2020年教育改革の影響で、英語4技能(Listening 聞く・Speaking 話す・Reading 読む・ Writing 書く)の重要性が注目されています。ですが、日本に住みながら週に数回の英会話レッスンに通ってもSpeakingは話す環境がないため身につき難いと言えます。
人、自然、身近な環境との関わりの中で思いやりの心を持つ We guide and support our children to be considerate when interacting with other people, nature and our environment.
進んで挨拶をしたり、相手の話をしっかり聞く We guide and support our children to take the initiative to greet others and listen carefully when others speak.
礼儀をわきまえて行動する We guide and support our children to have good manners at all times.
自分の思い、気持ち、考えを相手に伝える We encourage and inspire our children to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas with others.
異言語や異文化への興味や関心を持つ We encourage and inspire our children to have an interest in and awareness of other languages and cultures.
日常生活を通して、感性を豊かにする We encourage and inspire our children to develop empathy through their everyday lives.
多様な文化を体感し、多様な個性を尊重する We guide and support our children to build respect for human diversity through experiencing diverse cultures.
決して失敗を恐れずいつも全力で挑戦する前向きな心を持つ We guide and support our children to think positively, always try their very best and never be afraid of mistakes.
生涯にわたる学習意欲を育む We guide and support our children to develop a lifelong passion for learning.
あそびを通して、楽しみながら身近な世界を体感し、健やかに過ごす We encourage and inspire our children to live healthy lives by having fun, playing, and exploring the world around them.
自分や相手をいたわる We encourage and inspire our children to care about their physical health and the health of others.
人と関わる力、考える力を育む We encourage and inspire our children to behave and communicate in ways that support a healthy mind.